Embracing a Life-Changing Career Shift at 40 -My Visit to UK

It has been a long time since my last blog. and I am so excited to share with you my unexpected trip to England. This journey has been nothing short of amazing, filled with new experiences, wonderful people, and incredible opportunities with Workplace UK .

Life Update: A year ago, I made a significant decision to resign from my previous job. The main reason behind this choice was the need to prioritise my health. As we all know, working night shifts can take a toll on our well-being, especially as we grow older. I realised that it was time for a change, not just for my career but for my overall quality of life.
Taking a leap of faith, I submitted my resignation and posted my resume on Jobstreet, a popular job search platform. The days that followed were filled with anticipation and a touch of anxiety. Then, out of the blue, I received a call from a recruiter named Steve. He invited me for an interview at the New World Hotel in Manila, a prestigious venue for corporate meetings. Little did I know that this would be the beginning of an exciting new chapter in my professional life.
During the initial interview, I was informed about the possibility of visiting London if I got hired. Naturally, I was both thrilled and skeptical – it seemed too good to be true! The most surprising part? Stephen, the person who conducted my initial interview, turned out to be the CEO of the company. Talk about a cool start to a potential job!
After successfully passing the final interview, I was offered the position. And just like that, my UK adventure began. Now, I'm back from this incredible trip, and I can't wait to share my UK Diary Vlog with all of you. 
Working at www.workplace.co.uk has been an absolute delight. I've had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people from London. The diversity and warmth of my colleagues have made my transition into this new role smooth and enjoyable. I'm excited to share some photos of my workmates and me, showcasing the fantastic team spirit and the joy I find in my new job.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this new position is the constant learning opportunity it provides. Every day brings new challenges and experiences, allowing me to grow both professionally and personally. I've acquired skills I never thought I'd have, and I'm continually amazed by how much there is to learn in this dynamic field.

London itself has been a source of endless fascination. The city's rich history, diverse culture, and iconic landmarks have left me in awe. I've had the chance to explore some of the most famous sights, and I'd love to share some of these experiences with you.

Big Ben London

Red Bus

Watch videos below London Walking Tour 

Walking along the Thames River, I was struck by the perfect blend of historical architecture and modern marvels. The majestic Tower Bridge stands as a testament to London's engineering prowess, while the sleek Shard pierces the sky, representing the city's forward-thinking spirit.

I've also had the opportunity to explore some of London's beautiful parks. Hyde Park, with its lush greenery and serene lakes, provided a perfect escape from the bustling city life. Watching people rowing boats on the Serpentine or enjoying picnics on the grass reminded me of the importance of work-life balance – something my new job emphasizes.

The culinary scene in London has been another delightful surprise. From traditional fish and chips to diverse international cuisines, my taste buds have been on an adventure of their own. I've particularly enjoyed exploring the vibrant Borough Market, where the array of fresh produce and artisanal foods is simply mind-boggling.

Beef Steak London
Beef Steak London
My first day in Maidenhead UK. Watch Video below. 

My colleagues have been incredibly welcoming, often taking me to local pubs after work. These outings have given me insight into British culture and have helped forge strong friendships. It's during these moments that I truly appreciate the decision I made to take this leap of faith.

Flat Iron Steak
Working in London has also opened my eyes to the global nature of business today. The multicultural environment at www.workplace.co.uk has exposed me to diverse perspectives and innovative ideas. This exposure has not only enhanced my professional skills but has also broadened my worldview.As I reflect on this journey – from the initial phone call with Steph to my current life  – I'm filled with gratitude and excitement for what the future holds. This experience has reinforced my belief in taking risks and stepping out of one's comfort zone.

To anyone reading this who might be contemplating a similar life change, I encourage you to take that leap. The rewards of embracing new challenges and experiences are immeasurable.Ready to dive deeper into my UK adventure? Watch my latest vlogs below and join me on this exciting journey! Please do not forget to subscribe! Thank you.
